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Insects are hexapod invertebrates. They have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and a pair of antennae.


latin name


species in South Africa


species worldwide


critically endangered






near threatened


least concern

Insects are the most diverse group within the animal kingdom. There is not an exact number on how many different species of insect there are worldwide, but estimates suggest that there are some 5 million different species in existence. Today, around 1 million species worldwide have been recorded and described.

When it comes to South African insect species, it is also not clear on how many there are. Around 44.000 species have been identified. To put this number in perspective, there are around 65.000 different animal species described in South Africa. About 70% of all known animal species in South Africa are insects.

The most diverse insect orders, within the insect class, are the Hemiptera (true bugs), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Diptera (true flies), Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants) and Coleoptera (beetles). Insects from these groups are most likely to be encountered. But there are other, smaller groups that are noteworthy, such as the mantises, dragonflies and damselflies, grasshoppers and stick insects. 

Common Mother Of Pearl

During summer, it is worth your time to take a minute and look at the flowers and foliage in, and around ponds and streams. You would be amazed about the diversity of shapes and colors these insects have.

Bunaea alcinoe

Cabbage Tree Emperor

Bunaea alcinoe

Daphnis nerii

Oleander Hawkmoth

Daphnis nerii

Empusa binotata

Spotty Conehead Mantis

Empusa binotata

Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi

Common Spiny Flower Mantis

Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi

Palpares inclemens

Palpares inclemens

Palpares inclemens

Zygophlebius leoninus

Zygophlebius leoninus

Zygophlebius leoninus

Brachythemis lacustris

Red Groundling

Brachythemis lacustris

Palpopleura lucia

Lucia Widow

Palpopleura lucia

Nudaurelia wahlbergii

Wahlberg's Emperor

Nudaurelia wahlbergii

Hippotion celerio

Vine Hawkmoth

Hippotion celerio

Harpagomantis tricolor

African False Flower Mantis

Harpagomantis tricolor

Palparellus festivus

Palparellus festivus

Palparellus festivus

Palpares speciosus

Spotted Veld Antlion

Palpares speciosus

Phaon iridipennis

Glistening Demoiselle

Phaon iridipennis

Brachythemis leucosticta

Southern Banded Groundling

Brachythemis leucosticta

Palpopleura portia

Portia Widow

Palpopleura portia

Cephonodes hylas

Pellucid Hawkmoth

Cephonodes hylas

Macroglossum trochilus

African Hummingbird Hawkmoth

Macroglossum trochilus

Oxypilus capensis

Cape Boxing Mantis

Oxypilus capensis

Palparellus pulchellus

Palparellus pulchellus

Palparellus pulchellus

Tomatares citrinus

Lemon Antlion

Tomatares citrinus

Platycypha caligata

Dancing Jewel

Platycypha caligata

Diplacodes lefebvrii

Black Percher

Diplacodes lefebvrii

Rhyothemis semihyalina

Phantom Flutterer

Rhyothemis semihyalina

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